


Penned by George Randolph

The Jon Weekly Show

Wednesday 8 October 2014 • 6:13 PM

Via Political Wire

Before choosing Chuck Todd, NBC News president Deborah Turness held negotiations with Jon Stewart about hosting “Meet the Press,” three senior television sources tell New York magazine.

One source explained that NBC was prepared to offer Stewart virtually “anything” to bring him over.

What I would give to have been a fly on the wall during those meetings…

Update: But seriously, the fact that NBC considered Jon Stewart to host one of the oldest and most storied institutions in television is shameful and embarrassing. Jon Stewart isn’t a journalist, he’s a comedian. And a very funny and effective one at that. But just a comedian, nonetheless.

Meet The Press isn’t a comedy show. To treat it as such, hoping to get a quick bump in ratings, is disrespectful to the American public. Meet The Press is where the issues should be debated, where our Representatives and Senators should be questioned on their positioned. In recent years it’s turned into somewhat of an echo chamber. But placing Stewart at the helm would have erased any influence the show still maintains.

I shutter to think what Tim Russert would think.

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