Just When I Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse
Wednesday 25 February 2015 • 3:22 PM
First there was the “too many people have said ‘I don’t know you’ and now you can’t connect with them unless you provide their date of birth or mother’s maiden name” LinkedIn fiasco and now this:
Turns out, “commercial” (aka “bitch”) LinkedIn users have a finite number of searches they can perform every month.
That’s the entire point, the raison d’être, the singular function of LinkedIn: searching for people and companies. And now LinkedIn’s saying that I can only do that x number of times?
In addition to generating revenue via advertising, LinkedIn’s already selling my data to god-knows how many other companies. And, not unlike the deal we have with the pigeons, I thought that was the deal we have with the Internet: I have a free account with some service and in exchange, the service runs ads and gets to know every single thing there is to know about me.
LinkedIn is reneging on this deal. Not to mention the fact that LinkedIn doesn’t stop mining your data after you cough up for a “Premium” account.
Imagine if Google only allowed you to send 25 emails a month, else you pay for a “Google Pro” account: the Internet would collectively shit an adorably kitten-shaped brick.
I’d prefer not to even be on the site, but begging looking for work demands that I use it to reach out to recruiters and the like.
My disdain, scorn and contempt for you, LinkedIn, continues to burn with the fire of a thousand supernovae.